Green Schools Committee Meeting 19/09/2014
This was our first meeting of the new school year. Ms. Sullivan welcomed everyone and we said hello to the new members. We talked about all our ideas for this year. It is an important year for us as we will hope to get the Biodiversity flag in 2015.
After sharing ideas here are some of our plans; We will have a poster and slogan competitions to do with Biodiversity. This will get everyone to learn about Biodiversity. We hope to have a Green Schools Quiz for 5th and 6th and worksheets for 3rd and 4th.
We will put up a bird feeder and learn to recognize common garden birds. We will write a Green Schools newsletter to tell everyone what we are doing and to let as many people as we can know about Biodiversity. So we will be very busy as you can see.
Then Ms. Sullivan reminded us of what we had done during 2013/2014 to promote the Environment. We talked about how we reminded all the classes to pick up litter, to recycle, to walk or cycle to school and to take part in the Spring Clean-up. Ms. Sullivan also said well done to the children who cycled to school on Wednesday 18th June 2014 as part of the National Bike Week.