On the 9th of January, room 8 and room 9 went to the RDS in Dublin to see the BT Young Scientist Exhibition. First we went into the main arena and watched The Big Small Show. It was very interesting. After the show, we went to see all the science exhibits. There was lots of exciting projects. Instead of telling you about them we’ll show you. We hope you like the pictures! Tammy from room 8 volunteered to help in The Big Small Show. Shannon from room 9 was chosen to shoot balls from a canon into a hoop.The balls represented atoms. Cathy Hynes and Eve Casey won the Best Group award.They did a project on attitudes to our ageing workforce.These girls are only in 1st year! Paul Clarke was the winner of the BT Young Scientist Exhibition. His project was about the contributions to cyclic graph theory. He is only seventeen years old and is obviously very good at maths!