Green Schools

Green-Schools’ mission is to protect planet Earth – our shared home to which we all belong. Here in Presentation Junior School, we have proudly earned seven green flags. Mrs Gavin and our Green Schools Committee work hard to keep our school tidy and to help us to learn about ways to be kind to our planet.

Creative Schools

Creative Schools is a school partnership led by the Arts Council. Creative Schools aims to give children and young people the opportunity to experience creativity as an integral part of their education placing the arts and creativity at the centre of school life and here at Presentation Convent Junior play and playful learning experiences are a daily part of our school day. We hope to create a Sensory Garden as part of the process of exploring creativity in our school. Our Creative Council under the guidance of Mrs Loughman is working on whole school ideas to explore Creativity.

Homework Club

We have a homework club running after school until 3.00pm. Children complete their homework with the supervision of school staff. It currently is running for two evenings a week and we hope to increase this in the future.

Food Dudes

Food Dudes is an evidence-based healthy eating programme, designed to encourage children to eat more fruit and vegetables. It works by positively changing children's attitudes towards eating fresh fruit and vegetables. We receive fresh fruit and veg to taste as part of the programme.

School Completion Project

School Completion is an initiative in our school which involves a school completion worker using evidence-based programmes working with children to boost self esteem and fostering a positive school experience. Our school completion worker is Lisa Murtagh. One of these is Roots of Empathy. Roots of Empathy is an evidence-based programme that consists of guided observations of an infant's development and emotions. Roots of Empathy aims to build caring, peaceful and civil societies through the development of empathy in children and adults. Currently Miss Earley’s First Class welcome Elaine and baby Maia to their classroom one a month as part of the programme.

Challenge to Change

Our school participates in the Challenge to Change Project. Challenge to Change asks schools to complete project work as part of development education on environmental issues aimed at young people attending Presentation primary and secondary schools in Ireland. The initiative seeks to raise awareness and understanding of development issues and global inequality through the exploration and engagement in issues surrounding as injustice, human rights, fairtrade, racism and many other topic. Our school committee present their project idea at the exhibition annually.

Tin Whistle

Children in Second Class have an opportunity to learn the tin whistle. The children are taught tin whistle by two of our wonderful teachers, Ms Walsh and Ms Earley who are also local musicians, this runs after school for 30 minutes on a Wednesday.

Physical Activity

The children have an opportunity during the school day to have specialised coaching with out-side coaches from our community in GAA, Dance, Tennis, Karate, Yoga and Swimming. This further enhances our Physical Education activities.

Parents Classes

We cannot forget about our parents!!Our Home School Liaison teacher Marie Byrne runs various different classes for parents from fitness to flower arranging-all are welcome to attend for a chat and a cuppa!!! Please keep an eye for upcoming events.

Community Gardaí

Our local community guards are regular visitors to our school helping to keep us safe and reminding us about road safety and keeping safe online.